Seals of Creation

Seals of Creation
Book 1 "Awakening"

Friday, August 2, 2013

Science Fiction forward (part 1) by Author Jamie Noe

Science Fiction forward (part 1):

     “Seals of Creation” is an idea that I started playing with during my teen years and just like any idea that sticks with you; it has evolved as I have evolved over time. I like to think of the series as “Science Fiction Forward”. Just as many authors have looked ahead in generations past with their own creative works, I endeavor to do the same. It has always been my belief that science fiction plays a valuable role to society and civilization by envisioning the endless possibilities that await us in the future.
     One of the creative liberties that science fiction authors get to have the most fun with is being able to create fantastic and unreal things, places and life forms to go along with their stories. This can play out in infinite ways as the story unfolds through the mind of the author and I take full advantage of this creative liberty in my works.
     Science Fiction is also reflective in many ways since a great deal of it is drawn from the perspective of the author and the times we live in. This theme is one that resonates in my work a great deal. There are many facets to the world we live in now that never existed in the past. I grew up in this era where things like anime, videogames, wifi, and internet are common place. Some of the technology and devices that are normal to our everyday life were considered to be farfetched just decades ago. So as a science fiction author I think about what technological achievements might await us in the far off future.
     Some of the common themes in science fiction like space travel and super advanced weapons technology are still the domain of imagination but as new sciences emerge and humanity develops greater understanding about the universe we can mix the domain of theory and imagination to create more believable story elements. I do a lot of reading and research on speculative technological ideas and theories so that I can intertwine some of those elements into my Seals of Creation series. Things like space travel and nano technology are common place in the series I have created and I have used my creative liberty to take those ideas and run with them.    
     Some elements of the Seals of Creation series that I like to tell people about that are unique are as follows. Seals of Creation is not a love story; it is not a romance, it is a science fiction adventure. Another element that I felt it was important for my series to bring across to the readers is that I don’t just tell the story from the “good guys” perspective. I pivot between characters and events on both sides. In many cases I show different perspectives about things that are occurring at the same time from different vantage points. I want my readers to know the good guys and the bad guys; whoever they may be. Another element that is part of my style is the pace at which things move. Seals of Creation is a fast paced adventure that has the characters and events constantly on the move. Events are always unfolding and the characters often are tumbling from one event to another without warning.
There is so much content to the Seals of Creation universe that you will feel the dynamic nature of a fast paced story that is always driving ahead and as time goes on I hint at other vistas that wait even further beyond in forthcoming books. I felt it was important to portray this science fiction series in that light because it is very much a part of the world we live in.  The Seals of Creation series has a lot of content as I mentioned and that content is driven at high speed through a technologically advanced universe with creative environments and a litany of characters and different life forms.
     In keeping true to the dynamic nature of Seals of Creation I don’t give the reader a lot of information about the characters upfront when you meet them. I thrust you into their lives as the story begins and as events unfold in the story you learn about them by their actions, thoughts and interactions. The characters are very dynamic; they change and evolve throughout the story in different ways. I reveal them over time and through events, the good and the bad. In a way that is a lot like real people are. We are always changing and evolving so my characters emphasize that throughout the series.
     On a final note for this particular perspective on how I see science fiction as a forward thinking idea I will reflect on something that is grand and new to the genre. Readers who are part of the videogame generation will probably get a lot of smiles as they read the Seals of Creation series at different points throughout the books. Videogames have been a huge influence on my style of storytelling and that is something that is new to science fiction novels for this generation. I tend to make these interesting facets subtle but for people who are intimately familiar with games, you will definitely see the connections. All in all there is something for everyone in this series whether you have enjoyed science fiction as a long running avocation or whether you are looking for something new. The world of science fiction is enriched by fresh new ideas just as it is complimented by long standing ones.
     Thank you for reading.
     Sincerely: Jamie Noe

     (Below are links where you can find the first book in the Seals of Creation series “Awakening” in paperback and in a variety of ebook formats.) Happy reading everyone.

     First off here are a few links where you can keep up with what I am doing with the series as I create it. I also have created artwork in the anime style including the covers and some additional character art that I release when I have the chance in between writing the novels.

(Now here are links to where you can get the first book “Seals of Creation book 1 Awakening” in a variety of formats from traditional paperback to a wide variety of ebook formats.)

(Barns & Noble paperback and Nook ebook)

(Paperback version)

(Paperback on Amazon)

(Kindle e-book version link below)